Markups and Measurements

FinalMesh has many special tools to place a note or description, highlight area, or measure part of 3d model. You can measure distance between two points, thickness, angle, radius, diameter. Snapping may be enabled to measure distance between specific parts of model. Each dimension may be customized via changing line width, color, style of text, background, etc



Note, Callout, Point Coordinate

Callout Sample Image

Circular callouts or rectangular notes with custom text or even symbols.

Multi line note

Linear Measure

Note with multi line, styled text. Text may have border, background. Type of hotspot point can be easily configured.

Detail View

Callout Sample Image

A detail view is a view that shows only what is necessary in the clear description of the object. It is created to show a portion of a view, usually at an enlarged scale.


Diameter Measure

An example with diameter mesure.

Linear distance

Linear Measure

Distance between any two points, vertices, edges or planes.

Quick dimensions

Linear Measure

Measure dimensions of any selected object in a single click.


Callout Sample Image

Highlight area.


Thickness Measure

Measure thickness of any part.


Diameter Measure

Measure diameter in automatic or manual mode.


Center Line

Callout Sample Image

Center line for surfaces of rotation.


Callout Sample Image

Measure angle between planes, edges or 3 points.


Callout Sample Image

Measure radius in automatic or manual mode.