About FinalMesh

FinalMesh is a 3D Viewer, Converter, PDF and WebGL Publisher is developed by Pelikan Software Kft.


Pelikan Software Kft. is a company registered in Hungary. Full name is Pelikan Software Programfejlesztő Koralátolt Felelősségű Társaság, registration number is 13-09-140699. Established in 2004, Pelikan Software KFT is a privately owned software company. ( Kft. is type of company in Hungary, very close to Ltd )


Our team is driven by Alexander Shelemekhov, he has a great professional background. 3D Exploration is one of his first 3D projects, was started more than 15 years ago (In that time software rendering was more popular than hardware - hard to believe in that). Few years later, 3D Exploration was acquired by Righthemisphere Ltd and was know as Deep Exploration (Currently acquired by SAP). Among other projects, Alex participated in development of first XBOX SDK, Adobe 3D PDF. His 3D geometry engine, including hardware/software rendering, scene management and import code is now part of Adobe Acrobat. His great experience and deep understanding of 3D geometry and 3D PDF helps us to create FinalMesh product.


Pelikan Software Kft. Nagykovácsi ut. 6, 2094 Nagykovácsi, Hungary. Phone: +36 (26) 355-734
