
Scene tree is the place where you can view all objects in scene. It provides standard features for viewing and manipulating objects.

Meaning of some elements in the scene tree
Expand or Collapse hierarchy
Visibility of object and subobjects.
Left clicking on visibility checkbox chages both of them. Right click to change individual properties.
Number of instances (how many times this object is used in the scene tree)
Group of objects
Empty node
Object or polygonal object
Colored icon. Object has an applied material or any other appearance data.
Boolean modifier
Grid array
Text Object
Level of Detail (LOD)


If layer is attached to any object, color of layer is displayed as colored rectangle.


Right click on any object in order to receive context menu with possible actions.


  • Select single object by mouse click.
  • Multiple selection - Ctrl+Mouse click in ordet to add/exclude object from selection.
  • Shift + Mouse click - select range of objects.

Follow Selection

Scene Tree pane may respect selection in 3d window or may ignore it: Click on Follow Selection button to toggle this mode.

When Follow Selection is disabled, scene tree will not scroll and expand to new selection. This may be helpful if you want to focus on particular node.


In order to search object by name, just type name in FinalMesh search box.

Objects in FinalMesh are orgainized in a tree. Each object may have children objects, any object may be inserted many times in multiple parents. Just one exception - object can't be inserted directly or indirectly into itself.

Object has many it's own attributes along with properties of insertion.

Common object properties
Name If name is empy, scene tree may display type of object instead of name.
Insertion of object has following properties
Transformation position, rotation, scale, shear
Visibility Visibility is splitted into visibility of object itself and visibility of subobjects.
Material or Materials Objects with appearance are highlighted with color in the scene tree.
Opacity Opacity of object and children object. Works in additional to opacity in materials.
Appearance flags Cast shadows, receive shadows, render mode, etc.
Misc flags Closed, Protected, No Save, No Draw, Unselectable.


  • Object may define it's own geometry - these are: polygonal and procedural objects. (Procedural - cube, cylinder, sphere, etc.)
  • Or may modify already existing geometry. These are modifiers (boolean, bend, etc). These objects modify their children objects. Modifiers may be enabled or disabled. Disabled modifiers behaves in same way as empty groups.
  • Object may be groupped into another object (node).
  • There are arrays objects, which creates many copies of one object. Result are many objects aligned into grid.
  • XRef. This is an reference to external scene. Very usefull way to work with library of objects or splitting big scene into set of small ones.
  • Lights are placed into scene as regular object. If light is hidden it doesn't emit any rays.
  • Cameras defines point of view and in the tree work as regular object. Camera may be selected in viewport.
  • Measurement objects may create internal hierarchy in order to represent dimension elements.

See Also

In this article