
The Billboard node is a grouping node which modifies its coordinate system so that the Billboard node's local Z-axis turns to point at the viewer.

  • This rotation works independently for each viewport.
  • Rotation affects children nodes.

The Axis of rotation field specifies which axis to use to perform the rotation. This axis is defined in the local coordinate system.

When the axis of rotation field is set to (0, 0, 0), the special case of viewer-alignment is indicated. In this case, the object rotates to keep the billboard's local Y-axis parallel with the Y-axis of the viewer. This special case is distinguished by setting the axis of rotation to (0, 0, 0).

If the axis of rotation and the billboard-to-viewer line are coincident, the plane cannot be established and the resulting rotation of the billboard is undefined. For example, if the axis of rotation is set to (0,1,0) (Y-axis) and the viewer flies over the billboard and peers directly down the Y-axis, the results are undefined.

Billboard may perform additional scaling, so children nodes always will be in desired pixel size.

This node works very similar to VRML billboard.


Properties of Billboard

Axis of Rotation

Axis of rotation in the local coordinate system.

Axis Alignffected Area Align another axis to the left, right or do not perform align.
Scale Scaling factor
Scale Unit How to scale. Learn more about units.

See Also

In this article