
There is a choice of the following options:

3D Dimensions of objects are defined in 3D space. Additional scaling can be achieved with scale factor property. In this mode size of the object may vary depending on the camera position.
Pixels Size of objects is is screen pixels.
Points Size of objects is in screen points. Device resolution (DPI) affects size of object on the output media.

Point is used for measuring font size, leading, and other items on a printed page. The desktop publishing point (DTP point) or PostScript point is defined as 1⁄72 or 0.0138 of the international inch, making it equivalent to 25.4⁄72 mm = 0.3527 mm.

Millimeters SSize of objects is in millimeters. Device DPI affects size of object on the output media.
Screen SSize of objecs is in thousandths of screen space. May be useful is size of object should be in proportion to viewport size.

These units are used mostly by markup and measurements.

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