Common Import Settings

Basic Import Options

Import Options dialog displays file name and currently selected file format. If file format was wrongly detected, you may select another format using Open As combo box.

Options of the right are file format specific. To reset thouse options to defaults, click on Settings button and select Reset to Defaults.


Additional Options

These options are available in: C4D, JTOpen, DXF, GLTF, STEP and many other file types.

Load Companion XML file If checked, FinalMesh will search for XML file with same name. For instanec for 3d.3ds, xml file shoulf be 3d.3ds.xml
This XML file should be located in same folder. XML file may contain metadata for each object and attributes, like opacity.
For description of XML file, see below.
Sort Nodes Sort root or all nodes alphabetically.


XML file

This feature is part of Professional Edition.

Purpose of this file is in making small modifications or additional features to 3d file. For instance, may write metadata from database to this xml file and it will be imported. This may be helpful if your CAD software can't write metadata to 3d file, or this format does not support metadata. [ About updated files]

<root [string comparision options]>
<node name="Name of Node1" [string comparision options]>
<attributes [new attributes]/>
<node name="Name of Sub Node" [string comparision options]>
   <item id="KeyA" value="Value A"/>
   <item id="KeyB" value="Value B"/>
<material name="material name" id="1">
<action type="action id">
<transform rotation="" scale="" translation="" reset="" />
<node name="Name of Node2">
<view> [viewport options]</view>
<modelViews> [list of favorites]</modelViews>
<materials> [list of materials]</materials>

Global Data

view Viewport options. Use this file to define default viewport. This may be helpful if you want to open file and automatically zoom to any part in 3d scene. .xml file with such view information may be generated using Information pane.
modelViews List of model views. This list also may be generated using Information pane.
materials List of additional materials. Each material may be generated from Materials Panel.


Object Data

name Attribute is used for object searching. String comparision options are taken into account.
attributes New 3d node attributes.
select Select this node.
material New or additional material for this object. Attributes are: name - name of material, id - of material in multimaterial object.


String comparision options

Options defined in root node, will be global options. Options defined in nested nodes may override global options.

matchcase Match case when enabled, a find 3d node search algorithm will be case-sensitive. This option is ON by default.
wholeworld Match whole word when enabled, a find 3d node search algorithm will only return whole word matches.
wildcards If this option box is selected, you can use statndard notations (with *, ? symbols )to define patterns of text to match . This option is ON by default.
recursive Search whole subtree after successful name comparison if this options is on.



All members in attributes are optional.

reset Remove old transformations.
rotation/rot XYZ euler angles. In degrees. 3 floats, separated by comma.
scale XYZ. Scaling. This value may be specified via one float or three floats separated by comma.
translation/pos XYZ. Position. 3 floats, separated by comma.



All members in attributes are optional.

closed Related to object attribute with same name.
protected Related to object attribute with same name.
nosave Related to object attribute with same name.
notree Related to object attribute with same name.
doubleSided default/inherited
castShadows Cast shadows
rcvShadows Receive shadows
opacity Object opacity. Floating point value from 0 to 1.0.
smooth Smoothing angle. Floating point value from 0 to 180.
visibility Object visibility.
0, false, no - fully hidden
1 - object is visible, children objects - hidden
2 - object is hidden, children objects - visible
3, true, yes - fully visible



Optional actions on this node.

select Select this node
delete Delete this node.
  • All boolean values may be specified with yes, no, true, false, 1 or 0.
  • This file may contain defauit viewport and model views. These settings may be

closed="true" opacity="0.5" nosave="1" protected="1" smooth="45"


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