UV Mapper

UM Mapper is modifier, which may create standard UV coordinates. It may be applied manually to any object or at the same time it is a part of many standard geometry primitives

Properties of UV Mapper

Enabled When enabled, UV maps will be created.

Type of UV mapping. Available types are:

  • Planar - Projects UV onto an object through a plane.
  • Cylindrical - Wraps UV surface around an object.
  • Spherical - Spherical mapping is based on a spherical shape wrapped around the object.
  • Cubic - Cubical mapping is based on a box shape wrapped around the object.
  • Parametric Surface Space - used by NURBS surfaces. Same as original UV space.
  • Normalized Parametric Surface Space - used by NURBS surfaces. Original UV space is transformed to 0 - 1 range.
Axis Defines main axis.
UV Channel UV channel to generate
Center Position or Center 'UV volume"
Rotation Rotation of local coordinate system.
Size Size of UV volume.
Fit to Content Adjust position and size of UV volume, This btton is available if Auto Size is unchkeced.
Auto Size If checked, position and size of UV volume will be computed automatically, so object will be fully inside of UV volume. If not checked, you are able to change size of aposition of UV volume.
Rotation Repeat Number of rotations.

Planar Mapping

Planar mapping projects UVs onto a mesh through a plane. Therefore, it may be important to align the Planar map's position, orientation and scale to the surface.

This image shows planar mapping with default settings. Main axis of projection is X, all angles are zero, position and size are automatically calculated.

Same configuration, but Y rotation of mapping is changed to 45 degrees.

Cylindrical Mapping

Cylindrical mapping creates UVs for an object based on a cylindrical projection shape that gets wrapped around the object.

This image shows cylindrical mapping with default settings. Main axis of projection is X, all angles are zero, position and size are automatically calculated.

Big cylindrical surface is for illustration purposes only.

Same configuration, but Z rotation of mapping is changed and number of rotations is different.


Spherical mapping is based on a spherical shape wrapped around the object.

Spherical mapping using default settings. Surface wrapped around object may be transfromed in any required way.


Cubical mapping is based on a box shape wrapped around the object.

Cubical mapping using default settings. Surface wrapped around object may be transfromed in any required way.

See Also


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