Grid Array

Grid Array creates child objects and arranges them in a 3d grid-like manner. Number of objects depends on counts in X, Y, Z directions. Position of each child object depends on specified offset (Absolute or Relative).

Properties of Grid Array

Absolute Offset Defines the X,Y,Z offset of each object in array. Absolute offset means that offset does not depend on item size.
Relative Offset Defines relative X,Y,Z offset of each object in array. This offset is relative to size of item. 1.0 means that size of grid step is equal to item size.
Rotation Defines rotaion of each item. These angles increment for each new object in array.
X Count Number of repetitions in the X direction.
Y Count Number of repetitions in the Y direction.
Z Count Number of repetitions in the Z direction.
Center When checked, generated grid of objects will be centered at the array origin.
Respect Item TM Use transformation of original first object. This transformations will be combined with item transformation and transformation generated by grid algorithm.
Enabled When enabled, grid will be created. If not checked, this will be just a group with possible one item.

In case if Y and Z counts are zero, arrays behaves likr linear array. This means that each component of offset is interpolated.

See Also

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