Render Mode Dialog

In FinalMesh, render mode is combination of render modes for vertices, faces, edges and bounding box. For instance, smooth shaded faces may be combined with edges. This may introduce new, Shaded Illustration render mode.

Properties of Global Render Mode

Name Name of render mode
Box Off No bounding box
Wireframe Wired bounding box
Transparent Transparent bounding box
Line Color Uniform color of box edges. This color may have transparency
Side Color Uniform color of box edges
Faces Off Faces are not rendered.
Uniform Color Color of face is constant, not dependent on light sources and camera.
Faceted Each face is flat polygon, rendered without normal interpolation.
Smooth Smooth shading
Custom Color Color  of Uniform Face Color
Edges Off Edges are not rendered
Uniform Color Edges with constant color
Shaded Edges with correct lighting
Outline Outline mode. Outer edges of objects and adges formed by crease angle.
Uniform+Status Edges with constant colors. Edges used by one or more than 2 traingles will be in different color. May be used for checking mesh topology,
Custom Color Color of edges or outlines
Line Width Thicknes of edges in pixels.
Crease angle Angle for generation of outlines.
Vertcies Off Vertices are not rendered
Uniform Color Vertices in solid, constant color
Shaded Verices with correct lighting.
Custom Color Uniform color of vertices
Background Custom Color Background color


See Also

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