Create Illustration

This is preliminary documentation and is subject to change.

Create vector illustration from current 3D scene, using active camera.

In order to activate Save panel, click , Select Illustration [Key Alt+S], select Illustration.


Export Click on Export button to start illustration process.
Folder Name of destination folder. If folder is not exist, it will be created.
Click on Down arrow to view list of recent folders, select folder of current 3d file or browse for folder dialog.
Click on Up arrow to go to parent folder.
File Name of illustration file.
Type Vector file type. SVG is only supported format for now.
Width/Height Image dimensions.



Decimal Places Number of digits after decimal comma
Check Intersections Check intersections of polygons and generate lines in the place of interesections


These options are related to edges

Remove Hidden Edges Remove edges obscured by 3d objects.
Combine Edge Segments Combine individual line segments into long polylines.
Color Color of edges
Outline Edges
Line Width The thickness of outline edges in pixels
Crease Edges. Edge, where two polygons join with a sharp angle
Custom Crease Angle Set this check box if you want to define custom crease angle. If not checked, system defined Outline Crease Angle will be used.
Crease Angle Define angle in degrees.
Line Width The thickness of crease edges in pixels
Secondary Crease Angle Set this checkbox if you want to generate additional crease edges. Usually, these edges are thinner and allow feel the curvature of a surface.
Crease Angle Define secondary crease angle in degrees. This value should be smaller than standard Crease Angle.
Line Width The thickness of secondary crease edges in pixels.


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