JTOpen Import Settings

General Settings

Optimzie Hierarchy Optimize hierarchy by removing empty nodes, extra groups, etc.
Following options are available:
No - leave hierarchy as is
Yes - remove extra groups. Nodes - without name, single child object, without metadata, etc.
Yes - Also mark mark nested Instance_Node_Element as closed
Name This options controls how name of object should be retrieved.
Following options are available:
As Is - leave object name as is
Remove right part after ':' - remove colon from name and text after colon.
Remove .ASM, .PART suffix - remove .ASM or .PART suffix and text aftre them.
Optimize Geometry Optimze each 3d object by removing duplicate points, normals, uv.
Highest LOD only Load only best quality representation of each LOD.
Import Normals Read per vertex normals.
Use assembly materials Use materials defined in assembly attributes.
Sort Metadata Sort metadata alphabetically
Read PMI Read PMI if avaiable
Read PMI Model Views Read PMI model views

See Also

Common Import Settings

In this article