WebGL 3D Window/Viewport
This is 3D Viewport object, associated with canvas, it has it's own WebGL context and 3d scene. Handling of mouse and touches is performed automatically.
Canvas should be passed to 3d window creation function. In order to support transparency properly, canvas may need special style in css.
All parameters are in object:
canvas | HTML canvas element, |
color | Background
![]() |
callback | Callback function. Same to addRefTarget. |
If you want to load 3d file, add parameters described in .load method.
var info={}; info.canvas=document.getElementById("ivwindow3d"); info.color=0xe5e5e5; var v=new iv.window(info);
var view3d=new iv.window({canvas:document.getElementById("ivwindow3d"),file:"tree.iv3d",color:0x777777,path:"1/"});
gl | [readonly] WebGL context | ||||||||||||
space | 3d Space. This property is maintained by 3d window. | ||||||||||||
cfgBkColor | The background
![]() |
cfgResources | Path to resource files. This folder may contain gizmo objects, 3d fonts, etc. "res/" is default value. | ||||||||||||
cfgShadows | true if shadows are enabled. Use setShadows to set shadows on/off. | ||||||||||||
Viewport Navigation | |||||||||||||
cfgOrbitMode | 0 or 1. Defines how rotation around vertical axis is performed. We may rotate around screen space vertical axis or around world space axis. World axis is default choice. | ||||||||||||
cfgRotateMouseHit | true to rotate viewport around mouse cursor, false - rotate around camera target point. | ||||||||||||
cfgAutoSpin | &1 - auto rotation on mouse up, &2 - auto rotation after short delay | ||||||||||||
cfgSpinSpeed | Speed of model spinning after releasing mouse button. Value is related to default speed. 1 is default value, decrease this value to decrease speed. | ||||||||||||
cfgMouseDelta | Mouse distance to activate mouse move. Movements less than this distance will not cause viewport rotation for instance. | ||||||||||||
cfgButtons | array or 3 numbers. Each item defines action for left, right
and middle mouse button respectively:
These buttons may be configured right after 3d window creation. |
cfgMouseWheel | Mouse wheel action.
cfgMinDistance | Minimum distance from camera to scene center. Used by zoom mode. | ||||||||||||
cfgMaxDistance | Maximum distance from camera to scene center. Used by zoom mode. | ||||||||||||
cfgMinVAngle | Minimum vertical camera angle in degrees. Shouldn't be less than -90. Useb by orbit mode, undefined is default. Limits work correctly only when .cfgOrbitMode is set to 1. | ||||||||||||
cfgMaxVAngle | Maximum vertical camera angle in degrees. Shouldn't be more than 90. | ||||||||||||
Selections | |||||||||||||
cfgAllowSelection | true - allow selection by mouse click in 3d window. false - disable selection. | ||||||||||||
cfgSelOnDown | true - Select object on mouse down. false - select object on mouse up if there were no mouse movements. false is default. | ||||||||||||
clrSelection | Array of selection color and values. All items in array are
from 0 to 1.
cfgXRayAlways | true - always show non selected objects in transparent mode (clrSelection[5] ), false - 5th item of clrSelection will be used only in case if at least one object is selected. | ||||||||||||
Editor | |||||||||||||
cfgEditorCrd | Editor coordinate system
cfgEditorMode | 3D Editor mode
cfgEditorAxis | Active axis. | ||||||||||||
Clipping Planes | |||||||||||||
cfgClipPlaneColor | ![]() |
cfgClipBorderColor | ![]() |
cfgClipLineColor | ![]() |
cfgClipCapsColor | ![]() |
cfgClipCapsByObj | Process caps independently for each object. In this case each object should be a solid. This is preferably setting. | ||||||||||||
Miscellaneous | |||||||||||||
transitions | list of active animations. For instance camera transition is in this list when viewport smoothly changes camera. |
Camera limits:
view3d=new iv.window(info); view3d.cfgMaxVAngle=80;view3d.cfgMinVAngle=-80; view3d.cfgMinDistance=1;view3d.cfgMaxDistance=10;
Load 3d Space
URL to 3d data may be passed during window creation or later. 3D data may be loaded multiple times. Old space will be removed on receiving response from server. New file may be merged with existing objects.
.load(file, {})
file | short file name. Fully qualified url should be divided into path and short file name. |
Optional parameters:
path | Path to folder with objects and textures |
merge | boolean. Set to true if you want to merge with current scene. |
parent | Parent node. Used for merging. |
zoom | boolean. Perform zoom after loading. true is default for load and false for merge. |
callback | function, called after loading. Used with merge parameter. |
type | Type of file. Usually just an extension. Use this parameter, if extension is different from standard ones or if you should add extra parameters to url after file name. |
nonotify | Do not send notification. |
nolights | boolean. Do not load lights from file. |
nogroup | Do not group merged objects. |
Method is used to add frequently used 3d objects to scene. Despite name, object is not a single 3d mesh, it may be a complex 3d model with it's own materials and hierarchy. File is loaded only once. Next call to this function with same name will be executed instantly - meshes are instanced, nodes are duplciated.
file | short file name of object. Full url is composed from this name and cfgResources property. |
Optional parameters:
parent | Parent node. Object will be inserted into this, parent node. Use null to preload object. |
callback | optional callback function. This function will be called when object will be loaded and inserted. |
path | Path to folder with objects and textures. cfgResources will be used if this parameter is missing. |
return value is new node. If object is not ready yet, null is returned.
Method registers the specified function or object as notification callback.
f | notification function or object with onNotify method |
Function receives one event object as argument with following properties:
code | type of notification event. For list of possible values see following page. |
wnd | 3d window - source of notifications |
doDef | [Optional], if this property exists, you may set it to false in order to stop default processing. |
... | There are more, event specific values. |
If the method succeeds, the return value is true.
Learn more about notification events.
Method retrieves current viewpoint.
view | optional previous view. If this parameter is provided, it will be updated with current view information. |
Method returns current camera position in the following format:
from | Camera location in world coordiante system |
to | Camera target point in world coordiante system |
up | Camera up point in world coordiante system. Up vector is calculated as up - from |
fov | Field of view - perspective camera |
scale | scale - orthogonal camera |
bind | How to claculate FOV.
This object may be passed to .setView method, may be converted to string and stored in database.
Method changes current viewpoint.
view | object with following members
{from:[],to:[],up:[],fov:number,scale:number}. Where
from, to and
up are point in world coordinate space.
fov or scale are optional.
scale is for orthogonal camera,
fov for perspective. view.anim - optional object with animation information. All members are optional:
flags |
[optional] may be undefined or bit combinations of:
Default is 0. |
To switch from orthogonal to perspective, use setOrtho method.
Method sets standard view, where standard view is defined by string: “left”, “right”, ”top”, ”bottom”, “front”, “back”.
viewId | One of six standard views: “left”, “right”, ”top”, ”bottom”, “front”, “back”. |
flags | For list of flags see .setView method. |
Method returns view definition for for standard view,
viewId | One of six standard views: “left”, “right”, ”top”, ”bottom”, “front”, “back”. |
<span onclick="view3d.zoomToFit(view3d.getStdView('front'),iv.VIEW_TRANSITION);">[VIEW All]</span>
Method sets predefined model view.
id | index of model view. Model views are favorites in FinalMesh UI. |
flags | For list of flags see .setView method. |
Method switches between orthogonal or perspective view mode.
ortho | boolean. true for orthogonal views, false for perpsective |
This method calculates scale or fov based on current view.
Method returns true if current view is in orthogonal mode.
Method fits all objects (or visible objects) into 3d window.
view | object with required camera position. If null or undefined, current view will be used. |
flags | For list of flags see .setView method. Use iv.VIEW_VISIBLE if you want to zoom to visible objects only. |
Method fits area defined by bounding box into 3d window.
view | object with required camera position. If null or undefined, current view will be used. |
box | Bounding box of area you want to zoom. |
flags | For list of flags see .setView method. |
Method computes iv.viewInfo object required to fit box.
view | Previous view (iv.viewInfo) which should be modified in order to fir required area. May be null, in this case current view will be used. |
box | Bounding box of area you want to zoom. You may use node.getBoundingBox method to compute box of required tree. |
Method returns iv.viewInfo object. You may use returned view with .setView method.
Sets default view, this is the view embedded into 3d file.
flags | For list of flags see .setView method. |
Method marks viewport as invalid and scheduled update for the next frame. This is not an immediate update. Real rendering will be executed on the next drawing cycle.
flags |
[optional] may be undefined or bit combinations of:
Default is 0. |
Method resizes canvas and associated WebGL frame buffer.
width | width of canvas |
height | height of canvas |
bufWidth | Width of video buffer. [Optional] |
bufHeight | Height of video buffer. [Optional] |
After changes in HTML layout or when you want to change size of 3d window, you should call view.setViewSize(width,height). This function changes size of video buffer via changing width/height properties of canvas element. Size of canvas is changes via style attribute.
If bufWidth or bufHeight are not specified width or height will be used.
Method updates internal variables after changing canvas size. This function may be used if prefer to change size of canvas on your own.
Method plays whole scene animation. All parameters are optional.
{from:, to:, type: ,speed:, count: }
from | start time in seconds. If not set, global start time will be used. |
to | end of animation in seconds. If not set, global end time will be used. |
mode | 0 or 1. 0 default animation. 1 – ping pong animation. Used only if count is >1 |
count | number of cycles to play. Use negative value in order to loop animation forether. |
speed | speed of playback. 1 is default. |
Method returns animation controller. You may use it in order to stop animation.
function ivPlayAnimation() { view3d.playAnimation({speed:0.1,type:1,count:2,from:1,to:0}); }
In order to reverse animation, swap from and to. In order to stop endless animation use .removeAnimation method.
If you want to animate only sub-tree of whole scene, use the following code:
var r=new iv.anim.node(node,info); view.addAnimation(r);
where node – node to animate, info – parametes, described few lines above.
Method removes already runned animation.
a | animation to remove |
If the method succeeds, the return value is true.
Method inserts animation object into list of active animations.
a | new animation |
Animation object should have .animate method.
Method removes animation by type.
type | type of animation to remove. |
finish | If true, plays animtion to end. May be used by animations with valid duration property. |
If the method succeeds and animtion was removed, the return value is true.
Method retrives active animation of specific type.
type | type of animation to search. |
If animation was not found, the return value is null.
Hit testing
Method performs hit testing and retrieves list of nodes below mouse pointer defined by x, y coordinates. This method is part of extended API.
x | x coordinate |
y | x coordinate |
If at least one node was detected, object with following variables will be returned returned.
nodes | array of nodes. |
node | nearest node. |
length | distance to nearest node. |
pnt | world space hit point |
Additional information about hit point, like normal, triangle are available in nodes array. Closest item is in first item.
Each item in nodes array:
normal | world space normal at hit point. |
top | true for topmost nodes |
node | iv.node |
length | distance from camera to hit point |
pnt | world space hit point |
lpnt | local hit point, object space coordinate. |
triangle | triangle index |
Method computes ray for current view and specified mouse coordinates.
x | x coordinate |
y | x coordinate |
ray | optional old ray. Will be updated in case if specified. |
Method returns ray as array of 6 numbers. First 3 numebrs is origin of ray, next 3 numbers - normalized direction.
Method computes ray for current view and specified mouse coordinates.
lights | array of lights.
Each item is JS object, all parameters are optional.
type |
org | Light origin in world coordinate system. point or spot light. | ||||||
dir | Normalized light direction. Infinite of spot light. | ||||||
color | Light color | ||||||
inner | Inner angle of spot cone in raidans. | ||||||
outer | Outer angle of spot cone in raidans. |
var l=[ {"color":[0.5,0.5,0.5],"dir":[-0.57735,-0.57735,-0.57735],"type":1}, {"color":[0.8,0.8,0.9],"dir":[0.57735,0.57735,-0.57735],"type":1}, {"color":[0.9,0.9,0.9],"dir":[-0.242536,0,0.970143],"type":1}]; view3d.setLights(l);
Shadows are not supported for standard lights, please create nodes with light object.
Method sets default material on/off.
b | true for default materials and false for materials from file. |
Method returns true if default material is used.
Method sets double sided rendering on/off.
b | true for double sided materials. |
Method returns true if double sided rendering is on.
Method sets real-time shadows on/off.
b | true for shadows. |
Method returns true if real-times shadows are enabled.
Method searches node by name in whole scene tree.
name | Name of the node. |
null is returned if such node was not found. If you need to search for node in subtree, use iv.node.search method.
Method sets new render mode.
false is returned if such mode is not found.