Mesh | Knife

The Knife tool cuts polygons. With this tool you may cut polygon from edge to edge or make hole in existing polygon.

This tool works in Polygon mode. 

Edge to Edge

To use knife tool, Put the cursor at a point of any edge, edge will be highlighted. Click on that edge, The first point is set with this click. To define second point, put mouse to another edge without pressing mouse buttons. Again, edge will be highlighted. Click mouse button. The second point is now set and cutting line now could be complited. Finally, polygon or polygons will be divided.

  • It is possible to cut many polygons with single operation by setting first and last point on the edges of different polygons.
  • It is allowed to put intermeiate points to define complex line of the cut.
  • Try to make cut line as simple as possible to avoid computation problems.


#1 Before Knife tool #2 Selecting point of the first edge.
#3 Selecting point of the second edge. #4 Splitted polygon.
#A Edge to edge cut with one additional intermediate point.

Make Hole

Put the cursor at the point inside of required polygon. Click mouse button, The first point is set with this click. To define second point, put mouse to another point without pressing mouse buttons. Click mouse button. Continue these steps. To finish cutting process, click on first point again. In result, polygon or polygons will be divided.

#B Make hole with knife tool.

See Also

In this article