WebGl API Features

By default, only features required by the selected template and currently saved 3d file are included in JavaScript files. This is done to reduce script files. For instance, markup code will be generated only if markups are present in the active file. But if you want to files with markups you need to enable the markups feature.

Below are descriptions of selected features

Support of real-time shadows cast by directional, point, and spotlights. Few filtering options are possible.
Per Vertex Colors
Per vertex diffuse and/or emissive colors.
Illustration Render Mode
Illustration render mode. Functionality includes the generation of hard and soft edges.
Clipping Planes Show selected objects as transparent ones. Or opposite mode.
Billboards Support of billboard nodes. Required for markups.
Markups Markup objects.
PMI PMI objects. PMI Camera, PMI Groups.
Audio Sound objects.
Level of Detail (LOD) Level of detail object.
Textures Textures in materials. Required by shadows.
Bump Mapping
  Bump mapping. 
Video Textures Motion textures in video files.
Textured Background Textured background
Transparent Background Transparent background.
Animation Scene, Nodes and materials animation.
Math Functions Extra mathematical functions.
Hit Testing Select object by mouse click.
Load Object, Merging, Search, BoundingBoxes Extended version of load, searchNode, getBoundingBox, etc.
Select By Rectangle Select objects by rectangle. This includes rect drawing handler.
Editor Functionality Including following functionality: select objects, move, rotate and scale.
Tree View
World Space Axis

TreeView control for displaying scene tree. It follows selections in the viewport and can show or hide objects.

Sample initialization:
 var objects=document.getElementById("treeview");
v.treeView=new iv.treeView(objects,v);    
World Axis
World Space Axis

World space axis in any corner of 3d window. Instead of the axis, you may put any model here. Several templates support this feature without additional efforts, in the rest ones you will need to initialize the axis on your own.

Sample initialization:
{$if _WORLD_AXIS_}
new iv.axis3d(v,{file:"viewaxis.iv3d",path:"res/",pos:1,size:130});
Node Gizmo
World Space Axis

Gizmo for 3d editor. Currently supported gizmo modes are: Move, Rotate and Scale. This feature works together with editor functionality.

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