IV3D Export Setting

This file format used by WebGL applications, generated by Save As WebGL page. This is exactly same format as in WebGL page. It has some additional options, which are not configurable in Save as WebGL page.


UV Save UV coordinates and textures. This option will be ignred if materials do not have textures
Format PNG or JPEG
Maximum Edge Size Limit dimension of texture images. All images with non power of two size will be rescaled.
Power of two: 2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256,512,1024, etc.
Quality Jpeg quality.
Inline textures Insert textures into .iv3d file
Use Seperate Folder Save textures to separate folder. Leave blank to save to same folder.
Overwrite Replace or Skip existing textures.
Additional HQ textures Export non reduced textures too. WebGL application may decide to load these textures in special cases.
3D File Name as Texture Prefix Save textures with same name as 3D Scene.


Version Version 1, 2 and 3. Version 3 is more compact. Learn more about IV3D File compression. Save as WebGL always uses latest version.
Write Material Data May be switched off for specific WebGL application with autogenerated materials. If unchecked, only material name will be exported.
Node name Name saving mode: Do not save node name, save name as is or generate unique names.
Metadata Write metadate to json file
Animation Save keyframe animtions
Cameras Save cameras, so they can be used in viewer or editor templates.
Write hidden nodes Save hidden nodes. By default this option is off.
View and Lights Save current view ( camera position and orientation) and lights. This option is internally ON in Save As WebGL page.
Model Views Save Model Views. This option is internally ON in Save As WebGL page.

See Also

In this article