Viewport Features

In this menu there are many configurable features of 3d viewport.


Smoothing Smoothing angle and method of smoothing for solid render mode.
Materials Use materials. If not checked, default gray material will be used
Textures Use Textures. Overwise, textures will be ignored.
Show Back-Facing Polygons Enable drawing of  polygons that are determined to be facing away from the camera. Most often this options should be disabled, and this will be a performance optimization that avoids drawing polygons that represent back face of part. In normal situtation, these polygons are covererd by front facing polygons
Shadows Enable real-time shadows. FinalMesh supports shadows from multiple lights of many types using shadow mapping algorithm. Properties of shadow from eacjh lighht is configurable in the properties of light.
Global Bounding Box Display whole scene bounding box
World Axis Diplay sceme axis. Shape, Size and position can be configured in options of Viewport.
Bones Show bones objects.
Lights Show lights.
Cameras Show cameras.
Motion Path Show motion path of selected object.
Show Weights Show weights of selected object.
Show Normals Show per vertex normals of selected object.
NURBS Surface & Trim Curves Show NURBS trim curves and CV grid for selected object.
X-Ray Show objects in X-Ray mode. X-Ray mode can be configured in options of Viewport.

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