
Light Shadow Properties

This page defines properties of real-time shadows in WebGL and FinalMesh viewport ( in next versions).

Cast Shadows Select Inherited Yes or No. If set to NO, light will not cast shadows. In case of Inherited, claculated value will be used. Result may be Yes or No, depending on parent properties.
Shadow Map Size Size of shadow map. More the size, better resolution and bigger memory requirements.
Density Density of shadow. Set less than 100% in order to make shadow less visible.
Bias Bias moves the shadow toward or away from the shadow-casting objects. Increase/Decrease bias in order to reduce Z fighting or decrease shadow offset issues.
Filter Filtering used in order to simulate soft shadow.
Back faces for shadows Build shadow maps using back faces only. This option should be set if all objects in scene tree are closed and do not self intersect.

See also

Light Properties

In this article